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Marketing ROI

Modern-day marketing offers the ultimate flexibility and opportunity to scale. Knowing which sources of marketing are performing the best and how profitable they are will give you the clarity and confidence to invest in marketing. In this training, Louis breaks down how to determine the profitability of your marketing.  

Please make sure to download and complete the attached worksheets located in each module of this course and take notes!

Downloads for this module:

Operations Reports and KPI's

You don’t have to be at the office all day to know what is going on in operations. There are certain reports and key performance indicators (KPI) that will give you insight and clarity into your day-to-day operations and allow you to manage more effectively. In this training, Louis lays out the operations reports and KPI’s.  

Please make sure to download and complete the attached worksheets located in each module of this course and take notes!

Downloads for this module:

Sales Reports

Booking and selling moves needs to be proactively managed, it’s not something you should set and forget. The right set of reports reviewed regularly will show you where there is room for improvement and opportunity for increased sales. In this training, Louis breaks down the sales reports and when to review them. 

Downloads for this module: