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7 questions to ask before hiring a moving company

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7 Vital Questions to Ask Before Choosing Your Moving Company

When you think about hiring an agency to settle in your new home, it is important to list the degree of importance of the services they cover. For this reason, we want to tell you 7 questions that you should ask before hiring a moving company.

Although they are simple questions, you have to recognize that only in this way will your things arrive safely at the new home and you will not get any unpleasant surprises regarding the service for which you are going to pay.

The ideal is to make a list of questions that allows you to clarify your ideas to start executing before, during and after the move.

Next, we tell you what you have to ask to the moving service to avoid surprises. We hope that with these tips you will be able to hire the most suitable company.

What are the 7 important questions to ask before hiring a moving company?


1. How will the merchandise be shipped?

The shipping method that the company uses to transport the merchandise or personal belongings will depend on a few factors, and that will affect both the cost and the speed.

In other words, the more times objects are raised or lowered, the greater the risk of damage and generating double work for officials.

For this reason, one of the main questions you should ask yourself before hiring a moving company is how your merchandise will be shipped, and leave everything in writing in order to safeguard your belongings.


2. Is the packaging included in the price?

Moving companies usually provide the materials to pack your belongings on the day of moving to the new residence. It is one of the additional services that you can hire in advance.

It is important that you are clear if the packaging is included in the quoted price, which could already increase its value considerably.

However, there are government laws that require a declaration of household goods and effects along with your possessions to prevent and combat the movement of illegal goods.


3. What type of insurance do you offer?

Insurance, even if it does not seem like it or you do not want to accept, is essential when you are going to make a move. All transport companies with a good reputation have this service to guarantee the safety of the objects and the trust of the client.

In addition, you should know what the policy does and does not cover. For example, a moving company may cover damage, not theft and/or loss.

Similarly, make sure to check the amount of such coverage, because if the value is only $10,000 USD and you are moving $100,000 USD, you may be in for a surprise if something goes wrong. Careful with that.


4. Can I track my belongings in real time?

With the arrival of new technologies, it is possible to obtain a visualization of your belongings, in addition to the location in the process of moving at a given time.

Thanks to the internet and GPS, it is now much more common to be able to access this service to be calmer and track your assets in real time or almost real time using an online connection from your cell phone.


5. Do they take care of the entire move?

The first thing a moving company should do in the first contact is to explain what they are in charge of. If they offer an integral, proportional transfer or with special deliveries together with other third-party agencies.

They are the only ones who can say if they load, transport, pack and unload your personal belongings, household items, and furniture, among other things. In addition to the materials and policies


6. Do they have experience handling X? (Unusual objects)

Renowned companies with years of experience have the management of X, that is, the transfer of basic elements, such as furniture, clothes, books, appliances. Likewise, if you have valuable and unusual objects, some companies can also move vehicles such as motorcycles and vehicles, transport common animals such as dogs and cats.

You should check what else they can handle. This could be anything from a wine collection to antiques to classic cars to rare and exotic pets.


7. What is the charging system?

Another of the most controversial and important issues when the day of a move arrives is to know what and how the collection system is, if they charge by the hour, by amount of things, kilometers traveled or if they have a pre-established rate.

As long as you can be clear about that question, it will be better for you, since it allows you to keep track of the money you have in your budget.

For more information, contact Online Movers & Storage, who will answer all your questions in a matter of minutes through this: 

You can also call 305 539 0553 or write directly to our commercial department: [email protected]

Article written by:

Online movers


We are a specialist moving company, committed to making every move worry-free. That’s why we’ve made our system simple and easy. In addition, through this Blog we make available to all of you the best information concerning this environment and so you can know how you can make this process something simple and stress-free.


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